清华大学师生走进句子互动,学习交流 AIGC 与智能营销

发布于:2023-06-29 19:24:16

原标题:清华大学师生走进句子互动,学习交流 AIGC 与智能营销

2023 年 5 月 19 日下午,「同行北京」创新及文化探索系列工作坊组织清华大学 11 名中外学生参访北京句子互动科技有限公司,句子互动创始人 & CEO 李佳芮(点击这里了解佳芮)与同学们分享句子互动在 AIGC 和智能营销方面的经验和成果。

活动期间,同学们对句子互动的业务范围以及运用 AIGC 和 ChatGPT 的情况充满了兴趣,积*了解新技术的在行业中的应用。在这份热情的氛围中,佳芮也向同学们展示了句子互动在 AI**域的研发成果:智能对话助手和社群营销助手——最大化的减少了客户的工作流程,省去了繁琐的操作,为客户提供了方便快捷的解决方案。

除了技术话题,同学们也对佳芮的创业故事产生了浓厚的兴趣。在会上佳芮分享了自己从读研阶段开始萌发创业想法,参加创业比赛到后来先后获得 PreAngel、Plug and Play、Y Combination、TSVC(清谷资本)和阿尔法公社等多家中美机构的天使投资的经历。


交流分享后,佳芮与参会同学们亲切合影并赠送自己出版的《Chatbot 从 0到 1:对话式交互设计实践指南》一书。希望通过此次活动,句子互动为同学们了解AIGC、智能营销、创业、企业成长等提供参考。帮助不同背景的学生更好地理解和参与跨文化交流,并且对应用新科技进行创新有更为清晰的认识。


句子互动致力于打造下一代对话式营销云,基于企业微信、WhatsApp 等 IM 社交生态,利用大语言模型和 RPA 为企业供集销售、市场和售后于一体的智能机器人营销云系统,帮助企业快速获客,增加用户粘性并提高转化。旗下产品助力企业 10 倍提升市场和销售转化效率,客户覆盖泛互联网、消费和政务金融等,包括火山引擎、小度、欧莱雅、babycare、元气森林、泡泡玛特、国家电网、人保、招联金融等。

句子互动是 ChatGPT 国内最早落地的企业之一,即将推出基于 GPT 的新产品:AI+RPA,全自动打造企业专属私域知识库。



First of all, I would like to thank Ms. Jiarui and your company for organizing such a meaningful trip. I am quite impressed by your products and the most special thing is the story of your start-up process. I am a foreigner, so before coming your company I simply wanted to learn the reality of Chinas technological development that I had only seen through videos online. But after todays trip, I have learned more about the operation as well as your excellence when always creating and constantly innovating our products. I hope the company always develops sustainably and look forward to having the opportunity to work with you in the near future. Sincerely thanks a lot!

马援 Yudhistira Kusuma(来自印度尼西亚)

Yeah its been a great discussion especially about what it takes to be enterpreneur since for many of us just thinking about starting a start up is like an impossible first step...but today discussion tell us that as long as we find the right market, the right attitude and the right team building a company from zero is a possibility, hope we can have another discussion like this in the future.


The product of JuziBot, with state-of-the-art products, and the entrepreneur story which Ms. Jiarui introduced to us were so interesting and amazing. I know that starting a business is not as easy as people think because doing Business is the accumulation of continuous trial and error day by day, and it never ends. From her story, I re-realized how important team building is. In her explanation, she told us her first business failed because of the lack of team building. At Tsinghua, I have experienced a variety length of group projects from 2 weeks to 4 months. I was just thinking that they were only for giving students the opportunities to do output of what theyve learned. But, today, I thought it could be nice that the amount of practice in team building over and over again within short periods will help the setting up my own business in the future. Currently, JuziBot survives and remain in the industry by overcoming many hardships and struggles. Overall, through this field trip, I learned about entrepreneurship in the AI field and nourished a little base of entrepreneurship.

脉茶 Michael ovtchinnikov (来自瑞士和俄罗斯)

The trip to Juzi Bot was enlighting to understand the challenges faced by companies operating services on WeChat. With a clear focus on time being the most valuable and irretrievable resource, the Juzi Bot leaders clearly explained and demonstrated how their chatbot solution helps enterprises interact with their customers positively. The highlight was the emphasis on human interaction and how AI technology complements it, rather than replaces it. This authenticity has been a great example of how technology can best be leveraged for positive social and corporate impact. Finally, new marvelous opportunities were provided for the participants to find jobs and internships in the industry. On behalf of all the visitors and beneficiaries, thank you Juzi Bot!

如果你对大语言模型在对话场景的应用感兴趣,可以搜索 下方公众号联系我们体验




上一篇:江西省纪委理论学习中心组集体学习会召开 马森述主持并讲话

下一篇:免费C语言C 课程,点击领取

资讯 观察行业视觉,用专业的角度,讲出你们的心声。


